Local Newsopinion & Analysis

General Abebaw Tadesse’s Decision

The fact that General Abebaw Tadese chose to remain silent in the face of thought-provoking questions shows the seriousness of the Amhara community in Addis Ababa. The unjust arrests and violence that is happening to individuals is a clear indication of the deterioration of the security and justice situation in the city. The Amhara people, who are known for their leadership skills and hard work, are constantly afraid of being targeted and arrested without any valid reason. This raises concerns about the lack of protection and fairness in the legal system.

The challenges faced by the Amhara community extend far beyond mere discrimination, as their very safety and social interactions are under threat. The pervasive atmosphere of fear and insecurity has made even simple activities like sharing a meal a risky endeavor. The streets, once bustling with life, have now become perilous for the youth, who are increasingly becoming victims of abduction and extortion. The fact that authorities are complicit in demanding money from unjustly arrested individuals further underscores the deep-rooted corruption and abuse of power within the system.

The alarming situation in  Addis Ababa not only reflects a failure of the government to protect its citizens but also raises questions about the integrity of the institutions meant to uphold justice. The systematic targeting and mistreatment of the Amhara people point towards a larger issue of discrimination and oppression that needs to be addressed urgently. General Abebaw Tadesse’s silence speaks volumes about the urgent need for accountability and transparency in ensuring the safety and rights of all individuals, regardless of their background. It is imperative that steps are taken to rectify the injustices faced by the Amhara community and restore faith in the legal system.

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