Category : Local News

International NewsLocal News

Ethiopia Suspension of three human rights organizations highlights growing crackdown on civic space: AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL

Kidus Tekleyohannes
Responding to the Ethiopian authorities’ suspension of three prominent human rights organizations — Association for Human Rights in Ethiopia (AHRE), Center for Advancement of Rights...
International NewsLocal NewsNewsopinion & AnalysisOpinion and analysis

Sweden: Demonstration against Abiy Ahmed Party Killing Innocient Peoples and detained prisoners

Kidus Tekleyohannes
On November 16, 2024, a large-scale demonstration took place in the heart of Stockholm, Sweden, attracting attention from both local and international media. The event...
International NewsLocal NewsNewsopinion & AnalysisOpinion and analysis

Email Campaign የኢሜይል ዘመቻ : Till Public Service Sverige

Kidus Tekleyohannes በስዊድን ያላችሁ ከስር ያለውን ጽሑፍ ከላይ ባሉት 2 ኢሜይሎች ኢሜይል ያድርጉ  Till public Service Sverige Bäste Heer/Fru,  Jag ber Public Service att ta sitt sedvanligt journalistiska ansvar och upplysa Sveriges befolkning om det...
International NewsLocal Newsopinion & AnalysisOpinion and analysis

Germany: Protest Against Abiy Ahmed’s Drone Strikes, Killings of Amhara innocient People

Kidus Tekleyohannes
The Amhara-Ethiopian communities organized a large rally on Saturday in Frankfurt, Germany, to raise awareness about the ongoing killings of ethnic Amharas, which ethnic Amhara...