Local News

Drone Attack In Amhara Northern Shewa Zone

In a drone attack on a school in North Shawa zone, four people died and five people, including teachers, were injured. In a school called Tere Kebele Gulo, North Shewa Zone, Kwat District, Amhara Region, Sunday, May 4; 2016 Eyewitnesses and victims’ families told the BBC that peaceful people who were at a meeting of the Parent Teachers Union (WMEH) were killed in a drone attack.
They said that four people were killed and five people were injured in the drone attack that happened at about 7:30 p.m. at Gulo (Got) Primary School, which is approximately 20 km away from Shawa Robit, the main seat of Qowat district

“We thought it was a Rubila [plane]; [The drone] circled us one, two, three times,” said the eyewitness, who said that they did not know that the attacker was a drone. “When we sat down and discussed it, we did not know where it came from. We only found out when it landed on top of us,” he said about the attack.
Two of the deceased were participants in the meeting. The witness said that the two were peaceful people who were around the school.
“The two of them were participating with us. But most of them are day laborers [farmers]. They are sitting outside the school fence. He jumped from the fence and hit the two of them,” he said about the attack.

Individuals who attended the meeting and are close family members of one of the deceased; He explained that they fell due to the pressure of the explosion because they were standing there. They told the BBC that the attack was a mistake. “In time, heaven and earth have passed me by.” I have never seen or heard of it. If the place we suspect is in a [dangerous place], we will consider it. We built it like this in a place where there is nothing,” he said, describing the attack and the situation. The deceased was a 30-year-old man who was married and father of one child and was engaged in agricultural work, the family said. They said that the attack took place while he was coming to the school to use the irrigation water near the school. They described the situation as “disappointing”.

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